Appointments System
Your first contact with the practice will be with one of our Receptionists, either in person at the front desk, or on the telephone. The reception team are here to help you. They will ask you the reason for your call/appointment request. This is so they can direct you to the right clinician who can best deal with your problem. They have a lot of experience and have received training to signpost you in this way.
If you do not feel comfortable giving a reason, you can ask to speak to someone in private. You will be taken to a quiet area, away from the main reception desk where you can speak confidentially.
You may not be aware that our team includes other healthcare professionals as well as doctors who are highly trained in dealing with acute problems and minor illness. They work together to support the GPs and provide appointments for patient who need help or advice on the day. This often means you can speak to someone or be seen more quickly. Some of them can also prescribe medication.
Peak Call Times
The busiest time for telephone calls is between 8 -10 am so please try to avoid contacting the practice between this time for non-urgent requests as you will likely be held in a queue for a long time. The best time to call is after 3 pm. Our queuing system holds 10 callers in the queue. When this is full you will hear the engaged tone.
Our Practice Clinical Team
Our healthcare team comprises:
GPs (9)
Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) 1
Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP) 1
Paramedic Practitioner (PP) 1
Practice Nurse (7)
Healthcare Assistant (HCAs) 3
They all work at different times, but on any given day there are usually 8 GPs/minor illness clinicians working together and a team of 6 nurses/HCAs
Through our Primary Care Network (PCN) we also have access to Social Prescribers, Care Co-ordinators, ACPs, Clinical Pharmacists and Mental Health Practitioners. See PCN website for further information There’s also a page that describes the role of Social Prescribers and the support they can offer to patients.
What to Expect
All consultations are by appointment only. These can be booked in advance by telephoning the surgery, and the receptionist will guide you to the right person.
When you contact the practice you may be offered, or request, a telephone call. This type of consultation is preferred by a lot of people who find it difficult to attend the surgery, or just want to speak to someone on the telephone. Please be aware that calls from the surgery will show as ‘Sandwich Medical Practice’ so that you know who is calling and do not miss the call.
If you would like a routine appointment with a GP, these can generally be booked approximately 3 weeks in advance. Appointments for urgent, on the day issues are triaged by a GP and/or the minor illness clinicians. So you may get a call from one of our team to find out more information, or you might be asked to attend the surgery for a face to face appointment.
If you wish to see a particular doctor, we will offer you the next available appointment, but please bear in mind there is likely to be a longer wait time, depending on the days they work.
If online consultations are you preferred way of consulting, you can submit a request via eConsult, which can be accessed from the homepage on our website. This type of consultation is becoming more popular and you will receive a response from the practice within 48 hours.
Enhanced Access
Patients can be seen at Deal Hospital outside core surgery hours between 6.30 pm – 8 pm Monday – Friday, and Saturday and Sunday. A mix of GP and other healthcare professional appointments are available including physiotherapy. There is a wound clinic on Sunday between 9 am – 5 pm. These appointments are booked through the surgery. When we are full to capacity, patients may be offered an appointment here.
Other Services Available
There may be times when you call and we have no more appointments available on the day. In this case, you will be advised to contact NHS 111, who respond to urgent medical problems 24 hours/day.
There is an Urgent Treatment Centre at Victoria Hospital in Deal, open 8 am to 8 pm every day of the year. They provide treatment for minor injuries and illnesses that are urgent but not life-threatening. Although they prefer patients to call 111 in advance, they do also offer a walk in service. Closed 12.45 – 1.30 pm each day.
For critical care, QEQM Hospital in Margate and William Harvey Hospital in Ashford are the main sites. Canterbury Hospital has a minor injuries unit that is open 24 hours/day.

Home Visits
Home visit requests are for patients who are terminally ill or genuinely housebound. Ultimately, it is the doctor’s decision whether or not a home visit is appropriate for a particular set of circumstances and you may receive a telephone call first. Requests for home visits should be made before 11 am. The visiting clinician could be a GP, a paramedic, or advanced nurse practitioner.
Cancellations & Reminders
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment. This will allow the appointment to be offered to another patient.
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.

Chaperone Services
The Practice is happy to provide chaperones for certain clinical procedures. Please ask for a chaperone at any time before or during the consultation.
If you require an interpreter when you see the doctor, please notify the receptionist when you book your appointment, and she will arrange this for you.