Teaching & Research

Our Practice supports doctors in training. We regularly host Foundation Year 2 doctors, GP Trainees, and Medical students.
The foundation doctors and GP trainees are Qualified doctors gaining experience of General Practice and community before finalising their career specialty pathway. These doctors will have slightly longer consultation times.
This approval means the practice and doctors have achieved a number of set standards assessed by Health Education England working across Kent, Surey & Sussex acting on behalf of the General Medical Council (GMC)
If you would prefer to see one of our regular GPs rather than a GP trainee, please let the reception staff know.

Help us find a vaccine for COVID - 19
The NHS COVID-19 vaccine registry allows members of the public to register their interest and be contacted to participate in vaccine studies. You can sign up if you are 18 or over, and live in the UK.
You are not signing up to take part in a specific health study when you use this service. You are letting researchs know you are happy for them to contact you if you think you might be suitable to take part in their studies.
The new system will enable researchers to quickly identify and match suitable and willing volunteers to appropriate vaccine trials. This will help us to carry out studies and find a vaccine faster.
Signing up is an individual choice and you can change your mind about participating at any time.
More information about taking part in research and other opportunities to take part in COVID-19 research can be found at www.bepartofresearch.uk
The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network (CRN) supports researchers and the life sciences industry in developing, setting up and deliverying high quality health and social care research to time and target within the NHS. There are 15 Local Clinical Research Networks (LCRNs) across England and each LCRN delivers research across 30 clinical specialties. CRN support also extends into research taking place outside of NHS settings.
The NIHR Clinical Research Network Kent, Surrey and Sussex is hosted by Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. We partner with NHS providers across the region. This includes hospital Trusts (acute, community and mental health), GP surgeries, pharmacies and other healthcare providers. We offer a range of services across the research delivery pathway.
This General Practice is working with the Clinical Research Network, Kent Surrey Sussex to take part in research. Benefits of research are:
- Better treatment outcomes for patients
- Feedback fromm PPGs in other research active practices suggests that patients are also interested in taking part in research
- Can help with QOF
- Support for clinical reserach has been recognised in the CQC inspection framework
- Benefits of research to practices has been highlighted in the 5 year framework for GP contract reform to implement The NHS Long Term Plan.