Clinics We Offer

Anticoagulation Monitoring
The practice runs weekly anticoagulation monitoring clinics for patients on warfarin. These are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Please speak to your GP if you are taking warfarin and would prefer to be monitored at the practice.

Child Health
The practice offers the full range of immunisations for babies and children.
Baby clinics are held weekly at Market Place Surgery. Please ask for an appointment.

Contraceptive Services
We offer advice on all forms of contraception including emergency contraception and pre-conception counselling, oral, barrier and long-acting methods such as the coil and injections. Please ask for an appointment with our Nurse Practitioner to discuss your needs.
In addition, we fit and remove coils and sub-dermal contraceptive implants. These procedures are carried out by Dr Carissa Eldred, assisted by a Practice Nurse. Please book an appointment for a pre-assessment with Dr Eldred in the first instance.
We also offer young people advice under the “C Card” scheme, please just present at reception and we will arrange for you to see a member of the practice team as soon as possible for immediate advice.

Diabetic Clinics
All patients with diabetes should see our practice nurse for regular blood tests and lifestyle advice. In addition to this regular screening the nurse can arrange for patients with diabetes to be seen by a dietician and if required a chiropodist. She will also enrol patients with diabetes in the eye screening service which checks patients with diabetes for retinal changes.
Diabetic clinics are run across both sites every week by our diabetic nurses. Please telephone for an appointment.

Heart Disease
All patients with heart disease should see our practice nurse for regular blood tests and life style advice.
You will be called for your annual review when it is due.

Post Natal Checks
Post-natal checks are done at 6 weeks after delivery.
The first Well Baby check is done at approximately 8 weeks in conjunction with the practice nurse.

Minor Surgery
At Sandwich Medical Practice the doctors have a keen interest in procedures which can be undertaken in the treatment room. Many "lumps & bumps" can be dealt with by excision under local anaesthesia - avoiding the need for hospital referral. Some inflamed joints are suitable for injection. Please make a routine appointment with your GP to discuss this.

Hearbase is an NHS hearing aid provider contracted to provide services in the locality.
They operate a clinic from Market Place Surgery every other Wednesday. You can be referred to this service by your GP.

Psychological Therapies
Access to NHS psychological therapies is available. You can self refer into this service. If you are struggling to cope and feel that you would benefit from some support, pick up a card from reception or during your consultation with the GP. You can also refer online

EKTRA provides physiotherapy clinics on Thursdays and Fridays from The Butchery Surgery.
If you have a problem, please ask for an appointment with your GP to discuss a referral.

Asthma and Chronic Respiratory Disease
Patients with asthma may see the practice nurse for an annual asthma review as appropriate, on any day at either site.
Patients with severe respiratory obstruction will be called for an annual review when this is due.

The practice now offers appointments for ultrasound examinations with local providers.
Some examinations will still need to be carried out in a hospital setting but your GP will discuss this with you when planning your care.

Routine and travel vaccinations and advice are available on request. Flu immunisations are offered from September and the practice will provide more information on clinics at the relevant time.

Other Procedures
The following procedures are undertaken by the Practice Nurse or Healthcare Assistant.
- Wound dressing
- Leg ulcer care
- Smears
- Pill Checks/Contraceptive Advice
- ECGs/24 hour BP monitoring
- Removal of Sutures
- Travel vaccination advice
- Chronic Disease Management
- Ear syringing
- Blood tests (HCA)
Please book an appointment.
Health Checks
Free NHS health checks for everyone between the ages of 40 and 74. Book your appointment at reception.